Cluster Culture

Cluster Culture banner
Cluster social and work culture is a common manifestation of ancient precedent, Maja direction, including ongoing Maja Gatherings, Elder management, Ministry directives and Majastas Generational Plans.

Tatchlan biology is at the root of all these elements, and most are common to both Urban and Rural Clusters. Below is a depiction of several circles of eight surrounding their Cluster Pillar during a festival. Many are in costume, and their Companion Animals join their event.
Cluster Pillar festival
 For unique rural institutions, click here.

Cluster Uses

Dynamic Harmony of Uses, Bestowing of Uses

Cluster-to-Cluster Relations

Interdependence between clusters, Reciprocity Giftings, Gifting Transfer of Ripe Adult Cohort, Ultimate Gifting

Rank and Grade

Circle Ranking, Cluster Grade Plaques' Most-Ancient Design, Circle Expanding/Retreating/Folding,

Eight Living Jewels

Genius, Genius of Unplumbed Depths Peerless Living Instruments, Preeminent Spokes, Deep Craft, Superior Operants, Pleasure Monitors, Petal Strokers, Tremor Readers

Cluster Greetings and Chants

Greeting, Yom Sha, Journey Chant, Bowvow Tree or Hungry Rock Chants and Responses, Double Drink chant

Cluster Community Tools

House Masks, Memory Mask, Ceremonial Masks Cluster Life Pillar, Fertility Sanctuary Primordial Life Pillar,   The Majastas Eye, Singing Bowls, Yeldic Cluster Dances, Yeldic Circle Dance Spinning Wheel Dance (Danam Yelda),  Spinning Wheel Vision, Circle Dance Anthem, Liturgist Circles, Circle-of-Circle/Cluster-of-Clusters Dance, Fertility Dance

Ablution Academy

Communal Cultural Palace, Rural Refuge Gymnastics Gaming Dancing, Theatre Erudite Ceremonial Theatres, Ministry representatives professional services legal rulings, Benevolence Bowers, Anchor for markets, Refinement Emporium,  Seat of research, Artisans Boroughs Urban and Rural Academies and responsible Ministries, Ketukku Enclaves in remote settings, A Portion of Cluster Takes Ablutions each day

Cluster Life Ceremonies

Truth Taking, Life Cake, Ring of Men, Circle Cloak, Comfort Knot

Cluster Death Ceremonies

Final Touch, Death of Double, Corpse Oil, Bowvow Tree and Hungry Rock offerings

Circle of Eight Walks

Within Cluster: Spinning Wheel Walk, Outside Cluster: Wedge Walk, Linked Line


Group of Clusters, Seats of Collective Districts, Tertiary Unit

Cluster Uses
Dynamic Harmony of Uses

The activities of each Circle of EightCluster and Encirclements are based on ‘Uses.’ This term is meant to encompass the entire range of productive activity dedicated to bringing about satisfaction within their cluster and those surrounding them and the well-being of Cluster-of-Clusters Nation. Each cluster has various uses carried out by its Fresh Adult and Ripe Adult members according to their region, proximity to other clusters, internal Spoke designation and skill mastery. While a standard set of uses unifies clusters, most clusters have individual circles performing unique services to those around them, often in concert with those performed by other circles within or without their cluster. Some specialized circles of eight may be called upon to travel elsewhere to fulfill their uses or to join distant circles and clusters for unified projects. Cluster Elders oversee this ‘Promenade of Uses,’ balancing harmonizing and complementary elements to ensure smooth operations. A particular form of labour produces a significant amount of this work, passing through different circles in sequence, each bringing distinct skills to its completion. The most widespread example of this is the work of rural clusters on the variety of tasks associated with agriculture and the rearing of animals. Even here, many specific uses are necessary for the healthy functioning of the cluster. Often, other clusters are called on to assist in large-scale activity (see Reciprocity). Occasionally, a single Use may dominate most or all the circles within a cluster, leading to their new designation as possessing one or more Defining Uses. Due to these Uses, the Cluster Signature, including the cluster's Scent Wall and Tone, may take on a distinguishing quality.
Bestowing of Uses
A vital component of cluster life is determining each circle or cluster mate’s ‘uses,’ their abilities and skills, and channelling this potential into one of the cluster’s ‘Principal Uses.’ Some or all of the rest of the cluster practices these or supports the primary activity of the cluster. Uses are a vital part of Elders’ determination of the placement of each cluster member when they attain Ripe Adulthood. Prodigies and others possessing extraordinary gifts, such as manifesting qualities of one of the Eight Living Jewels, may be placed before a cluster mate becoming a Ripe Adult. Their uses may or may not coincide with the uses of others within their Circle of Eight. In most clusters, a series of Defining Uses are practiced in series, complimenting each other towards some larger goal. Most of these series begin in circles within the cluster or other clusters, and often, what the cluster produces moves on to another for further work. As such, Bestowing these Uses is a vital dynamic in determining the arrangement of Cluster Bulbs within the Cluster-of-Cluster community. It is a common cause for individual clusters to bond with others and form chains or other linked formations of cluster bulbs. All these variations are separate from another category, in part determined by one or more Governance Ministries, known as ‘Defining Uses.’ Usually, these activities go beyond their cluster into the larger Cluster-of-Clusters Nation. They tend to involve a high degree of specialization and are subject to ministerial oversight. It is not uncommon for such clusters, and even individual circles, to possess more than one Defining Use. With few exceptions, only two are in any Circle of Eight, the Primary and Secondary Use. Tertiary Uses are known when possessed by an exceptional cluster.
Cluster to Cluster relations
Interdependence between clusters
As singular Uses enrich the life of their circle and the collected uses of circles benefit the cluster, the works of one or many clusters complement their surrounding Encirclement and the broader Cluster-Of-Clusters community. The linked maxims, ‘Each belongs to all,’ ‘Each works for all,’ and ‘Each shelter all’ find their broader application in the interdependence and reciprocity between two or more clusters dependant on their ‘Companionable,’ ‘Complimentary,’ or ‘Incompatible’ cluster tones.
This term refers to the need for clusters, primarily rural clusters, to work together on large projects. At peak periods, one cluster will request assistance from the other. This is given and received under cluster reciprocity, where work done by one is returned in time with similar work or some other gift seen as of equal value from the other. While having a specific application in rural areas, the same principles apply to all clusters.

Most rural clusters are twice to three times as large as urban clusters and may approach populations found in urban Encirclements. They engage in various farming, vine/orchard cultivation and herding activities, requiring many tasks to be carried out simultaneously. Large numbers of circles are vital to ensure total productivity while minimizing fatigue during peak activity, such as ploughing, planting and harvesting, and the birth of new animals in their season.

Portions, or the entire cluster, regularly travel to neighbouring clusters to assist their efforts with the implicit understanding of their returning the favour. The common term for this activity is ‘reciprocity,’ meaning when some item or use is rendered by one cluster to another, something of agreed equal value is returned. This is not limited to the particular service. It could also take the form of specialized skill, craft or food gifts of equivalent value. The Second Ministry, the Grandee Secretariat, determines the standards for these values, and updated guidelines are regularly distributed to all clusters. Should any disagreement arise regarding equivalent values, a representative of the Grandee Secretariat is dispatched to adjudicate the matter.
Reciprocity emblem
While there are numerous variations, the labour exchange is the most common use between rural clusters. The Grandee Secretariat formalizes the accounting for this work and administers it by the province. When there is a disagreement on value, a Commandant Ministry representative of the Resolution Bureau is brought in to rule. Circles from the visiting cluster are kept together to establish clarity in the work done, and large projects are broken down into smaller sections shared by many circles. There is an understanding that the host cluster will provide for their guest circles in every way during their time with them.

Reciprocity is fundamental to cluster life. It is symbolized in many ways. Here, two hands emanate from the Eighth Principal Face of the Living System, Gavaduru, the Face of Protection, Dignity and Honour. She also represents the Commandant Bureau of Resolution, which determines the reciprocity value of offerings between clusters.

Reciprocity also extended to food and other resources. Given its circumstances, each cluster produces what it can, with surpluses redistributed by the Cycles and other ministries to other clusters in different areas. In this way, those in less bountiful areas received foodstuffs they could not produce themselves. Warehouse stores determined portions of the surplus in central locations in each region for mobile ministry clusters involved in public business and work. While this system is in place throughout the Cluster-of-Clusters Nation, markets and Market Judges operate in larger urban centres where far more sophisticated production and exchanges occur.
The value of Reciprocity would be enshrined by the Danam Yelda early in the Secondary Epoch, incorporating four additional elements to the classic Cluster Virtues. The unique icon for this Virtue of Reciprocity is shown here.

This icon shows circles of eight from two different clusters, one larger than the other, linked together. Cluster mates are depicted as the hand icons of the Eighth Face of the Tatchlan System, Gavaduru, associated with the Virtue of Reciprocity as the Face of Honour, Dignity, and Protection. The aromas of their Maja bind them into the hoop of their circle.
Yeldic Virtue Reciprocity
Giftings Tolku icon


If the Betweens and Completes create a vital culture among ‘The Beautiful Accomplishments,’ the Maja fashion a transforming culture around possessions. Growing out of Maja Gatherings, the Maja began the process early in the Primary Epoch to free their clusters of one of the last vestiges of the old, destructive ways—the tendency to hoard possessions. They did so by initiating the custom of ‘Gifting .’ 

While liberating their cluster, Giftings also help deepen relations between clusters near and far at all levels. The most intensive form of this may involve selected circles, known for their proficiency in each cluster, enacting a portion of The Nine Petals for the amusement and delight of the surrounding two clusters. Such ecstatic rites are accompanied by music and may also include Circle Dances.

Long after rectifying the initial need, the custom continued unchanged throughout the Primary and Secondary Epochs. These gatherings, which may include Dances of Fertility and Nurturing Ceremonies, serve many other purposes. Often fuelled by Vision Windows and Vendupash, they may address a shared tragedy, jubilation, or the transferring of new Ripe Adults, as seen below. Fresh Adults from each cluster attend to the ‘Conception Count’ of any Doubles in other attending clusters. The ultimate goal is achieving an ‘Each Belongs to All Bonding’ to strengthen the deep values of ‘Impartial Love and Caring’ within and between clusters.

Along with this internal decision by a cluster's  Leadership Ring, the Gifting can also be determined at Maja Gatherings by looking at the history of the clusters within a given Encirclement or larger province. The size of the Gifting is carefully selected and balanced against how many will come to ensure universal abundance. Due to the size of the gathering, Giftings usually take place outside, either near the hosting cluster’s compound or a larger public venue such as a suitable Mantle Establishment. The Spokes of the Cluster Wheel all have specific jobs during these events, which include feasting, performances, dances and many songs. The Maja of the host cluster oversees the actual Gifting, which involves presenting items and services to members of the guest clusters. Spokes generally bestow gifts to other Spokes and renew ties each has with others doing their work. The cluster Elders use this time to determine the quality of latent pre-adults conceived during the festivities due to the aromas of so many Maja and Cluster Spokes. This ceremony strengthens bonds between all aspects of cluster life where disputes are settled.

At the end of the event, the cluster gave away most of its possessions and retained what was essential to its life. Traditionally, this leads to one of the guest clusters having a Gifting at some point, inviting this cluster and others. The original Gifting cluster then receives some of their gifts along with others. An added tradition involves the new host adding or improving some of the items given back and creating new conferments for them, so the original giving cluster is enhanced because they gave initially.

Gifting Transfer of Ripe Adult Cohort
Another vital function of Giftings is the transference of new Ripe Adult Cohorts from one cluster to another. ‘Gifting Transfers' occurs between two or more clusters of unequal size, as in one large cluster in association with one or more smaller clusters. 

Elders determine the distribution of the percentage of new young Ripe Adults throughout their home cluster. This seeding ranges from relatively informal, as when small groups of individual cluster mates are presented or exchanged, to more significant Gifting Transfers of Gem Siblings to aid an ailing cluster. Beyond the health and vitality of the cluster, these exchanges may take place for many reasons, including social and regional considerations and directives from the Wellbeing Ministry, particularly this ministry's Ratio Bureau. Typically, cluster Elders plan these cohorts twelve to fourteen years in advance.
Cohort Jelly icon
The more substantial cluster may produce up to six young men per new circle, who may or may not be members of the Eight Gems class of identical siblings. Usually, these Gems are divided into groups of two per circle. A total of six males are required to complete any Circle of Eight, and Elders determine the size and configuration of these groups over the years leading up to the transference. The smaller cluster will produce one or two young women to complete each of these circles. If they are Gems, they usually go in pairs to these new circles. There always needs to be at least one Maja per circle and a portion of those born with the rest are set aside to form the core of these eventual new circles. Others growing into one of the Spokes of the Cluster Wheel may also be exchanged, bestowing an enhanced value to the recipient cluster. The joining of a Ripe Adult Maja, Elder, Double or other mature cluster mates with these new circles for various reasons. While the Ratio Bureau monitors the overall percentages of Spokes of the Cluster Wheel in all participating clusters, that cluster's Elders are responsible for their distribution within their cluster.
The Elders of each cluster gather many times before the Gifting to determine all of these details of the Gifting Transference for their mutual benefit. Usually, the smaller cluster will produce enough young women to transfer a few to the more abundant cluster while retaining most to create new circles from the larger cluster's batches of young men bestowed on them. The Maja of their original infant circle then stimulates the Scent Separation process at the Gifting, and the Maja of their Ripe Adult Circle draws them home with a powerful Scent Integration signal. On a smaller scale, such transfers occur at each Gifting, and clusters meet on every other occasion. Completes may serve as both women and men in a circle, but given their deep status, they are reserved for giftings of significance.
Ultimate Gifting
This is a rare occurrence, but on occasion, two clusters are determined to have a Gifting where they ultimately exchange all but essential elements of their identity. This includes switching Cluster Compounds.
Rank and Grade
Circle Ranking
This term refers to the hierarchy of circles of eight within a cluster. Deeper ranked circles often contain many Maja and other Wheel Spokes. Next are the Elder Clusters. The deepest circles form the Leadership Ring. Those circles attending the Leadership Ring and Elder circles follow these two deep-ranking circles. The next is the Healing Circles for the cluster. After that, the ranking of the cluster is determined through the various Principal and Secondary Uses and those attending to them. The Elders determine the disposition of Fresh Adult Spokes of the Cluster Wheel to their first adult circle of eight. In doing so, the host Circle is ‘Improved by Depth.’ See also ‘Increments of Perfection.’
Cluster Grade
This official term describes how many circles of eight are in a cluster. The First Grade has eight circles of eight, composed of sixty-four Ripe Adults. Clusters with less than eight circles are considered incomplete. While in the census, their existence is noted by various ministries who see to their gaining First-Grade status. The Second Grade has sixteen circles of eight with one hundred and twenty-eight Ripe Adults. The Twenty-First Grade has one hundred and sixty-eight Circles of Eight with one thousand, three hundred and forty-four Ripe Adults. Besides the Majastas Cluster, no Danam Yeldic cluster has ever reached the Twenty-Second Grade (The most-ancient Tolku seldom exceeded the Twentieth Grade, whereas the Venerable Koru have a limit of Twenty-Four Grades). These numbers are only accurate for complete circles at the time of the annual census. During Scent Separations, there are occasions where circles are broken. The results, usually two, four or six individuals, are called Circle Fragments. These exist briefly and quickly form new circles of eight with other fragments or find a home within a new cluster. These fragments are deemed temporary and are not included in the annual census.
These are the twenty-one plaques, one of which is affixed to every cluster compound each year by the Census Bureau of the Enumerator Ministry to advertise the population grade of the cluster. While the ministry bestows the plaque, the cluster elders determine which of the four gates it is set over. It is customary to mount it above the Western Gateway, commonly known as the Gate of Uses. It may appear over the Northern Gateway, the Gate of Sorrows, in times of adversity or loss. Conversely, in times of plenty or celebration, it may be set above the Southern Gateway, known as the Noble Gate, or the Eastern Gateway, the Gate of Delight. It is customary for guests arriving at the cluster to make a circuit to find the plaque, noting the cluster’s Grade and disposition at the time of its designation. The plaque is retained or replaced yearly based on the current cluster population. These traditions continued throughout the Danam Yelda’s Nantu Age in the early portion of the Secondary Epoch. With the introduction of Upata Bulbs during the Emaxul Age, these plaques may be hung from poles outside the appropriate entrance or displayed by other methods, including fabric banners.
Fifteenth Cluster Grade icon
Plaque’s Most-Ancient Design

The design of the plaques is made up of a unique boundary of extended circles containing eight circles within them. The first twelve images are of the Twelve Faces of Tatchlan; the following nine are combinations of these Twelve Faces, one advancing and one retreating. 

As with the Primary Epoch Icon border, these images and their ordering date back to the Primary Epoch with little or no change down to the present. The first plaque features the Face of Alatanda, representing the cluster as the First Grade, containing eight circles of eight.

The detailed image here is of the Fifteenth Grade, which contains one hundred and twenty Circles of Eight for a total of nine hundred and sixty Ripe Adults. The image is of the Living System's Third and Fourth Primary Faces. Humma, the Fish Face of Recollection, is advancing while Naprahath, the Complete Face restoring balance and harmony, retreats. This informally represents the ideal size for a cluster given their uses and the times of the particular generation.
One of the primary tasks of the Elders is to watch the ‘grading’ of their cluster. They do so by controlling the number of births to complement deaths, and some circles separate and leave the cluster while others arrive. These dynamic events often occur during cluster Giftings with another cluster or clusters. The Leadership Ring of any sized cluster is ideally composed of the deepest circles containing the Elders and other Spokes of the Cluster Wheel. Naturally, this grading is continuously fluctuating. ‘Increments of Perfection’ is another way of referring to the Grade of a cluster. While the first term is expected in the Majastas Court, the phrase ‘Increments of Perfection’ is more likely to be heard within the cluster.
Circle Expanding/Retreating/Folding
These terms refer to a process occurring over several centuries, where a cluster goes through a series of developmental stages. By their control over cluster fertility, the Elders bring these changes about. They also can, and often do, happen spontaneously. Initially, the cluster expands within its given range. Then, Scent Separations occur, breaking up the original grouping. This and other factors, good and bad, lead to a ‘retreat’ in the size of the cluster. A cluster is said to ‘fold’ when a series of Scent Integrations increase their numbers.
Eight Living Jewels
What follows is a listing of the eight most precious and treasured members of the Cluster-of-Clusters Nation. The images accompanying these descriptions are badges. They are worn by those so designated, along with medallions of the same design proudly displayed by their home cluster and the Enclaves and other Mantle Establishments housing them during their lifetimes. Some may have conferred on them the title of ‘Cluster-of-Clusters Treasure’ by their reigning Majastas due to their exceptional distinction within their area of mastery. This title may also be conferred posthumously.
This first of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels is primarily composed of Mundanes. While any Spoke of the Cluster Wheel may distinguish themselves as possessing superior mental endowment in various fields, like many professional and academic disciplines and vocations, Mundanes dominate these ranks. As with other echelons, an official determination is made upon the cluster-mate achieving Ripe Adulthood

There are also instances where certain specialized Operants may discern exceptional signatures within a particular aspect of the general intelligence of the Splendid Yeldic Body within Tatchlan. This would lead to a search on the Skin of Anu for a Fresh Adult possessing certain traits. On such occasions, they may be presented with various enquiries and examinations. These may include the presentation of specific tokens to distinguish or transform. By whatever means the determination is made, a Genius is acclaimed as having achieved a ‘Surpassing Depth’ in one or many potentialities.
Genius Living Jewel Badge
Depending on the nature of their Genius, they may be left in place, attend specialized training, or be permanently relocated to Upata-Shepsus, Bhampay or another relevant provincial centre catering to their grandiose abilities.

Perhaps the most venerated of all are Savant Geniuses. Distinguished from Savant Touched, these figures are commonly known as ‘bottom-heavy,’ meaning their specialty consumes a portion of what would otherwise be the standard suite of mental attributes of a Ripe Adult. As such, they are both preeminent and dependant.

Their birth cluster, or whatever encompassing Majastas Property they reside in, devotes a significant portion of their resources to their upkeep and facilitates in various ways appropriate to their exceptional mastery and uses. Their distinguishing badge ensures an honoured welcome to any Mantle Establishment, a joyful reception in any Artisan BoroughAblution Academy, or Erudite Ceremonial Theatre, and songs and gifts in the street. Many spoken and sung verses laud them as the best of their generation.
Genius of Unplumbed Depths
From the beginning to the end of the Secondary Epoch, only seven thousand and twenty-one members of this first Jewel classification have received this historic appellation. Such distinctions result from at least a century of scrutiny of their achievements and impact after death. Perhaps the most famous of all recipients of this honour also lived to see its attachment to their name, the Majastas Multitude Sheshisana X. She was the Mother of both the final incarnation of the Acoon and the vital juices known as Shashash, the key component to the eventual perfection of the Upata Bulb.

Peerless Living Instruments
This second of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels covers all Living Instruments, although those associated with Invocates are foremost on the lists. Differentiating strains, enriched from diverse sources, are always set aside and serve as dams for subsequent generations. During times of danger and chaos, these are secured before all others.

Next in depth among this Second Rank are the healers. While slightly less profound than full Living Instruments, the presence of Healing Vats secured the status of all these entities. With the commencement of the Secondary Epoch and the institution of Healing Vats as full cluster mates in every cluster, all other animate Living Instruments were also deemed cluster mates. In particular, distinguished members of the Mother Vat class, able to produce eggs, are consistently segregated for specialized care. Equal to these are those Acoons who have procured the classification of ‘Eminence.’ Like most living things, the Venerably Aged will most likely attain this honorific. What is judged to be the exceptional examples of Shesha, Nara and Cohort Jelly are also granted a place in this category.
Peerless Living Instrument Badge
Among more responsive classes of Living Instruments, Krall and Cousins, particularly Varku, are extolled by those in close association with them. They are ever associated with engendering subsequent generations. In times of upheaval, they are sequestered to ensure their survival.

Preeminent Spokes
This third of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels pertains to all those Spokes of the Cluster Wheel. They have distinguished themselves as preeminent exemplars of their biological calling. The cluster's Elders initially make this assessment. This is followed by acclamation by the cluster’s surrounding Encirclement. Depending upon their Spoke potency, provincial and even Cluster-of-Clusters National ministries determine their inclusion in their Role of Honour. 

Except for the Touched, many of these approach being Elders themselves and mentor others of their Spoke designation. One example is a Double granted the acclamation as an Elder of Many Conceptions by the Wellbeing Ministry’s Doubles and Vats Bureau. Their standing is further enhanced if many of those conceptions were with Maja. Touched may have just attained their Ripe Adulthood status and still be swiftly deepened in their designation as a Living Jewel due to a unique or incredibly intensive level of their sensitivity.
Preeminent Spokes Jewel Badge

Deep Craft
This fourth of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels may be seen as a specialized designation of the First Rank of Genius. They are distinguished from others by their aesthetic focus. For example, every generation has seen one or more ‘Masters of Masks.’ They begin by displaying promise in their interest and developing a profound clarity beyond the capacity of all others in their craft. Depending on their focus, they may be moved to an Artisan Borough to deepen their mastery. Many specialties emerged, ranging from the fashioning of Masks composed entirely of feathers to those cast in metal. 

This Fourth Jewel includes a vast spectrum of abilities. Some exceptional Ripe Adults may attain this status; it is primarily Elders who are admitted to this rank. This designation recognizes a living legacy by one or more ministries, including the Grandee Secretariat, Enumerators, Wellbeing, Preeminent Works and Ceremonies Ministries.

The Crafter Badge displays two ancient emblems of civilization, the Haklu and Dramsus.
Deep Craft Living Jewel Badge
With this appellation, a ministry enacts measures to ensure the wide distribution of their craft. This may include producing exacting facsimiles or training practitioners to enact their wonders in diverse locales over the remainder of their lifetime. Recipients of any physical artifacts may include Encirclement’s Seats of Collective Districts, Fertility Sanctuaries, Maja Cloister Halls, Face Shrines, Erudite Ceremonial Theatres, and Artisans’ Boroughs. On an infrequent occasion, the Deep Crafter may be granted the honour of contributing to the current or a former Mantle Museum. Upon the Deep Crafter’s death, their birth cluster and any subsequent sheltering enclaves and Mantle Establishments are bestowed with final honours and gifts for their part in facilitating the Deep Crafter’s treasured use.

Given the abundance of such manifestations of Genius throughout the vast populations of the Cluster-of-Clusters Nation, it is left to the determination of history as to how lasting an impact their output has been after the death of the Deep Crafter and their generation. The Common Desire is like a pre-adult - changeable and possessing but a short memory. The much-lauded in one age is forgotten by the next. True and lasting regard by posterity is unknown until at least one to two centuries after the Deep Crafter's death. This is one of the areas where Honoured Historians discern cyclical patterns in expressing specific creative trends over the ages.

As with the Genius designation, most of those possessing this wonder are Mundanes.

Superior Operants
This fifth of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels comprises what are known as Superior Operants. All Operants are a rare bridge between the multitude of Invocates accessing Tatchlan via their Living Instruments and the singular Majastas wearing the Twelve Principal Faces as Masks. 

While there have been periods when Operants were fundamental in reviving the Living System, particularly during The Interim, they are now a small, stable population directly serving the Majastas for specialized tasks. With notable exceptions, Danam Yeldic Operants are primarily found in the ‘sister cites’ of Upata-Shepsus and Bhampay as deep functionaries of the Cluster-of-Clusters Ministries. As such, they are directly under the protection of the Majastas Cluster.

Superior Operants are those possessing exceptional depth, even among their fellow Operants. In particular, they are known for their ability to work in portions of The Living System known as The General Plain.
Superior Operant Badge
This may be the earliest part of the original Tatchlan Masters work, being the foundation of all to come. While most of this General Plain is now grown into the vital profusion of the ‘Living Orb,’ one grand expanse, and on occasion several smaller ones, remain. These broad areas contain the most understated indicators of the prevalent, comprehensive and underlying states of the entire Living System. Before the full development of the Living Instruments, the Tatchlan Cubes primarily delved into this area. The Cubes continue to be used as an initial diagnostic, informing these Superior Operants to seek out the subtlest variations. Directed by their Majastas, they stroke and take the aroma of the surface for messages inscribed with near-invisible delicacy.

Members of this fifth Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels may serve as Mentors for others entering the relatively modest ranks of Operants, primarily in the Sister Cities. Superior Operants are often integrated directly into the Majastas Cluster in Upata-Shepsus. As such, they occupy the deepest levels of regard within the Cluster-of-Clusters Nation. At the same time, they are nearly invisible to the majority of its subjects.

Pleasure Monitors
The sixth of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels tends to be composed of an equal number of Mundanes and Skin Touched. They are a specialized Healers and Soothers branch administered by the Pacifier, Doubles and Vats, and Nostrum Bureaus of the Wellbeing Ministry. This marks this Jewel with the distinction of serving three different bureaus within one ministry. A variety of native and cultivated sensitivities characterize Pleasure Monitors. They can seek out and rectify various dysfunctions in circles and clusters around realizing the full complement of integrating pleasures necessary to properly functioning clusters and between clusters, particularly during Giftings

Their offices bear the title ‘Pleasure Unites. Pain Separates.’ This is a most-ancient Uluvatu Master dictum, denoting the importance of pleasure in nurturing and preserving all embodied beings. Pleasure unites all aspects within a body and links this unity with all other bodies. Pain distorts that sense of integration, leading to ills in circles and entire clusters.
Pleasure Monitors Badge
These Pleasure Monitors have often been the first to discern disturbances within localized areas of the Living System, manifesting in the achievement of some or all of The Nine Petals within one or more clusters. They are seen as the guardians of the vital glue holding the Cluster-of-Clusters Nation together. The Chancellery or other ministries may dispatch Pleasure Monitors to determine if dysfunction in a region falls under their purview. If so, they are empowered to bring in one or more Acoons from the Nostrum Bureau if the issue is profound.
Blue Hands emblem
While not universal, most Skin Touched embracing this vocation do so within the guiding disciplines of Healers. Their powers of subtle alteration by their skin allow for addressing numerous physical maladies affecting circle functioning. Mundanes attending to cluster health in this field do so principally as Soothers, treating emotional and mental dysfunctions that occasionally emerge within otherwise whole clusters. This puts both under the Doubles and Vats Bureau of the Wellbeing Ministry, allowing them to display the most-ancient Blue Hands Emblem. As their Pleasure Monitor Badge (above) suggests, sexual healing is vital to their service.

Petal Strokers
The seventh of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels can perform wonders with all forms of plant life. As the name suggests, they may shape flowers by touch, gently leading them to bend and twist without harming them. They can transform entire groves and gardens into extraordinary swirling and other intricate patterns for critical ceremonial occasions. Such surface alterations last a day before all return to their previous state. 

More profound craft leads to far more subtle alterations in plant structures, allowing for swift hybridization and other agricultural uses. Their most significant facility is with soft tissue, but some have been known to modify solid tree trunks over time gently. Their most exceptional service is assisting crops and other agriculture to repel infestations and attacks. Their signature abilities have been located by specialized Invocates within Tatchlan, leading to the discovery of root malaise or unbalanced predation patterns. Several times during the Secondary Epoch, this combination of rare specialists has averted widespread crop failure.
Petal Strokers Jewel Badge
This is a near-unique attribute of the Danam Yeldic Cluster-of-Clusters Nation, rooted in an even more distinctive feature: a single source. The fourth member of the founding Yeldic dynasty, Majastas Complete Upata-Shepsus IV, manifested one of the most potent affinities with plant life ever exhibited by any Majastas. Due to HerHis labours, the foundations of what would eventually be the Upata Bulbs were laid. From this early time in the Yeldic Nantu Age forward, ensuing generations of the new plant beings Shehe brings into being are all named Upata in Herhis honour. 

As with all Complete Majastas, Upata-Shepsus IV bore hundreds of offspring and fathered many thousands throughout Herhis six hundred and eighty-seven-year reign. Honoured Historians have traced many wonders in succeeding generations of this progeny, the chief being the emergence of those later given the title of Petal Strokers.

The cluster of those confirmed as manifesting this gift is immediately decorated. They are further added to a list by the Pacifier Bureau of the Wellbeing Ministry. This bureau is responsible in part for all forms of agricultural disruption. On short notice, one or more cluster mates imbued with this ability may be conducted, with their circles, to remote locations to practice their craft.

Tremor Readers
The eighth and final of the Cluster-of-Cluster Nation’s Living Jewels is, with few exceptions, composed of exceedingly sensitive Skin Touched. While they may share many abilities with others of this Spoke of the Cluster Wheel, their deep responsiveness is to the Skin of Anu.

They are unique in doing most of their readings through their feet. They will stand at a particular juncture and peruse what to them are the myriad of understated vibrations beneath them. They can scrutinize various quaking signatures by distinguishing between shallow and deep events and ongoing patterns. With this powerful sensitivity, they may discern many conditions, diagnose subdued anomalies, and forecast coming events.

With time, Tremor Readers can ‘flatten’ their feet, pressing more of their soles onto the Skin of Anu. There are different methods for diverse sets of reading. A Tremor Reader first selects a conducive plot to begin their work.
Tremor Readers Jewel Badge
They may commence by walking at a slow pace in concentric circles before stopping to pause and ‘flatten’ their feet for a time before continuing. If the situation is unusual or challenging, they may sit with their legs fully pressed down or lie down on a given spot for a partial or complete body reading. These exceptional abilities are known to benefit the Commandant Ministry, specifically its Engineering and Calamity Bureaus.
Cluster Greetings and Chants

The following simple words and gestures (see also Truth Taking) are, with period and location variations, universal among the Koru and Yelda.
Greeter: “Your portion of Anu fares well?”

Greeted: “Living Loam sinks deep beneath our feet.”

Greeter: “Your cluster-of-clusters thrive?”

Greeted: “Our nation is vital and harmonious.”

Greeter: “Your own cluster is at peace?”

Greeted: “Our desires are full and our wants empty.”

Greeter: “Your circle sleeps well?”

Greeted: “Our dreams are many and rich.”

Greeter: “Your cluster and circle bear illness?”

Greeted: “Naught but the follies of our Fresh Adults and indignities of our Aged.”

Greeter: “Your raw infants are born well? Your enriched Elders die well?”

Greeted: “Beauty and dignity accompany our generations.”

Greeter: “Your feet caress Anu and your hands their uses?”

Greeted: “We are rooted and steadfast.”

Greeter: “As are we. As are we.”
Yom Sha
This refers to a series of chants used by Invocates during their Invocate Training. Many are also used by Maja during certain special rites, including Majastas Gatherings. The most common goes:
Yom Sha  Yom Sha
Vuna Sana Ya
Wonal Chinnal Ya
Sosu Yaso Jas

Pana Musha Shay

Sen! Sen!
Suv! Suv!

Sha! Sha! Sha!
A powerful variation of this includes all the names of the Twelve Principal Faces of Tatchlan, and is meant to bring them as witnesses to the event:
Yom Sha, Yom Sha, Alatanda, Alatanda!

Alatanda, Alatanda, Skarashing, Skarashing, Vuna Sana Ya!

Yom Sha, Yom Sha, Skarashing, Naprahath, Naprahath, Vuna Sana Ya, Yuna Sana Ya, Humma, Humma Ya!
Wonal Chinnal Ya, Wonal Chinnal Ya, Heshavira, Heshavira, Wonal Chinnal Ya! Neferdush, Sosu Yaso Jas, Sosu Yaso Jas, Neferdush, Muramal, Neferdush, Muramal Jas! Pana Musha Shay, Gavaduru, Gavaduru, Pana Musha Shay!
Sen! Sen! Sen! Kava-Kura, Kava-Kura Sen! Vashivonos, Kava-Kura, Vashivonos Sen!
Sha! Sha! Sha! Sukakap, Hashahanu Sha! Sha! Sha!
Sha! Sha! Sha! Sukakap, Hashahanu Sha! Sha! Sha!
Sen! Sen! Sen!

Suv! Suv! Suv!

Sha! Sha! Sha!
On rare occasions, Invocates and Operants are known to employ these sung chants within Tatchlan for meaningful work.

Journey Chant

The following is known as a journey chant, which has many extended variations. What is presented here is as close to a universal version, including material familiar to most clusters.

“Step! Step! Step! Step!

Arms swinging, heads turning, bodies rising, bodies falling.

We are many! We are one! We are many! We are one!

We wait. We wait. We wait. We wait.

We dance and love and care together.

“Step! Step! Step! Step!

Arms swinging, heads turning, bodies rising, bodies falling.

We honour Anu with our feet. We honour Anu with our feet.

Rooted deep! Swaying high! Rooted deep! Swaying high!

We dance and love and care together.

“Step! Step! Step! Step!

Arms swinging, heads turning, bodies rising, bodies falling.

We are proud and we are true. We are proud and we are true.

Life with life! Skin with skin! Life with life! Skin with skin!

We dance and love and care together.

“Step! Step! Step! Step!

Arms swinging, heads turning, bodies rising, bodies falling.

Sway and circle hearts are full. Sway and circle hearts are full.

We are embodied. We are whole! We are embodied. We are whole!

We dance and love and care together.

“Step! Step! Step! Step!

Arms swinging, heads turning, bodies rising, bodies falling.

We follow love we follow life. We follow love we follow life.

Sharing loving giving caring! Sharing loving giving caring!

We dance and love and care together.

“Step! Step! Step! Step!

Arms swinging, heads turning, bodies rising, bodies falling.

We are breathing. We are full! We are breathing. We are full!”

Bowvow Tree or Hungry Rock Chants and Responses
A simple statement and response is commonly made before planting a body, either directly in Anu or in one of Anu's two Living Portals, a Bowvow Tree or lake of Hungry Rock. See also Cluster Death Ceremonies below:
Declarer: “The Foremost Ones planted their dead in Anu.”

Respondents: “As do our Mother Koru and Father Yakku.”

D: “We plant them around us - so tread lightly on their final home.”

R: “Our feet stroke their heads. They are firm encompassed by Anu’s Flesh.”

D: “We also plant them in Anu’s Living Portals.”

R: “The smooth lake of Hungry Rock. The broad canopy of Bowvow Tree.”

D: “All lead to their flowing into the flesh of Anu and so, back to us.”

R: “The living darkness, the heart of life, all rise and sink in Anu.”
Double Drink Chant
While Double feeds their egg during their Trial of Separation or Retreat the following chant is said:
Healing Vat Egg icon
“Drink little one! Drink – drink - drink!

Now a child cupped in mother’s hands.

You shall enfold our wise and powerful.

Drink – drink - drink!

Our Treasure is thirsty!
Our Wonder must feed!

Our precious resort is a quickening seed.

Drink – drink - drink!

Our sickly babes shall be calmed in you.

Our wounded warriors shall find solace in you.

Our plagued shall know relief in you.

Our Venerably aged shall find joy in you.

Drink - drink - drink.

One day your mother shall fill you.

She shall be folded in your lap.

Drink – drink - drink!

One day the baby shall be Double.

Baby shall absorb mother and complete the cycle.

Drink – drink - drink!

Baby merges with mother.

Mother merges with baby.

So drink little one!
Drink – drink - drink!”
Cluster Community Tools
House Masks
House Masks
These are used extensively on Statos-Vey and Rho-Jashun, serving a variety of functions within clusters, particularly for rites of passage and communal activity. ‘House Masks’ (samples above) are simple and assist in most regular cluster activities. They number in the hundreds per cluster and emphasize elemental and emotional states. These are stored in either a central location or disbursed along the walls or pillars of the cluster. 

An equal number of small mirrors always accompanies them. The purpose of the mirror is to establish what aspect of personality is brought to the surface by the mask. Profound depths may be plumbed by the employment of these masks, leading to the most ancient phrase, ‘The Mask Reveals the Wearer.’ Commonly, the cluster-mate chooses a mask, dons it and quickly looks in the mirror before that portion of themselves rises to the surface for interaction. Throughout life, each cluster-mate tends to have a particular number of masks they become comfortable using in various settings. One form of intimacy within circles of eight is exchanging and wearing well-known masks of another cluster mate. This is also a feature of Gifting ceremonies between clusters. It is also common for most to create and decorate their masks.
Memory Mask
Dating back to prehistoric times, a mask was made of the face of notable cluster-mates at death. Closely observed by the Danam-Yelda, this mask was trimmed, painted, and otherwise decorated to depict the deceased. A wig, distinctive headdress, or customary rank badge is set aside with the image. This mask is then housed with all others on the walls, pillars, poles or within niches for all crossing through one of the Gateways to review and revere. It is traditionally worn by Fresh Adults, along with clothing and other tokens of this person, to symbolize their presence at important ceremonial and other occasions. While an individual circle may make such a mask for a dead member, most cluster masks are of prominent cluster mates. Spokes of the Cluster Wheel and Mundanes who have brought honour and renown to their cluster are thus memorialized.

A ‘Mask Bequest’ ceremony is held to bury each Memory Mask deemed to have outlived all its generations or no longer maintains its grip on the current living cluster. The endowment is intended to be to Anu. These ceremonies must have approval from the Provincial or, in exceptional cases, the Cluster-of-Clusters Enumerator Ministry. They may choose to collect the mask if it is seen to have provincial or national significance beyond their home cluster. The Bequest Ceremony is still carried out in this circumstance, with the ministry representative receiving the mask instead of Anu. They place the nose of the mask on Anu as a sign of respect before conducting it to its assigned Mantle Establishment.
Ceremonial Masks
Outside the cluster, Masks are often more elaborate and serve as symbolic representations of the cluster with other clusters. They distinguish rank, grade and achievement beyond one cluster. In all cases, the mask identifies the wearers with the larger realities of cluster identity and attained discipline. In ceremonial settings, masks often assume some attributes of the Twelve Principal Faces of Tatchlan. Cluster Elders are the Keepers of these items, bestowing them on specific circles and cluster mates to wear at public events.
Cluster Life Pillar
The origins of this primordial symbol are unknown. Remnants of these forms are found in the very earliest sites of Pre-Tatchlan settlement. Among the many religions the Menem destroyed, several had Life Pillars as their central emblem. In many cases, these Pillars were associated with a deep cavern or pit immediately beneath or near to them.

While there is no trace of them now, it is known the Uluvatu Masters had crafted one or more Life Pillars to serve for ongoing ceremonies during their exile. Today, there remains a shallow oval pit at the Uluvatu site with a broad flat stone behind it, suggesting a Life Pillar may have stood immediately behind it. Early in the Primary Epoch, what became known as Cluster Pillars emerged from rural clusters. They proved an essential focal point for cluster life and spread throughout the Tolku Cluster-of-Clusters Nation.
Life Pillar Varieties icon
The Koru and Danam Yelda continue this tradition. Rural Yeldic Clusters often excavate a small pit in front of it or have the Pillar sitting in an oval depression with emblems of fecundity surrounding it. The Life Pillar has always been unambiguously phallic throughout its long history, often explicitly so. The other pervading feature is a large eye, or pair of eyes, often at the fulcrum of phallic fulfilment. This Primary Epoch icon displays something of the variety of these cluster devices, frequently exhibiting various other icons on their shanks. Modern clusters employ Life Pillar iconography in many ways, including the Elder icon and as Summer Six of the Rural Cluster’s season, known for their Fertility Festivals in anticipation of all domestic animals giving birth in season. Even the traditional icon for the Ketukku shows their mountain cities as a collection of Life Pillars.
Fertility Sanctuary
These are specialized Majastas Properties set aside within urban settings, often within larger Encirclements, for various fertility rites. The surface structure is modest, but the interior opens by leading down to an excavated cavern filled with an extensive collection of Life Pillars. They form various styles and ages, usually arranged with some care to create either a variegated pattern or distinct colour and size groupings. Many Icons of Kava-Kura are also generally in attendance, often mounted higher on the interior walls. Despite being known as the ‘Fertility Dance,’ this particular rite is seldom performed in this enclosure. This is primarily because it is more likely to occur within the cluster due to the practice's unfortunate circumstances.
Primordial Life Pillar icon
Primordial Life Pillar

This is another recovered image dating back to the Lesser Era of the Primary Epoch. It was the revered emblem of a now-lost religion persecuted into oblivion by the Menem. The image was recovered from a remote portion of the southwestern Marachla Plain of Rho-Jashun in what is now District Eleven, the Kumahan Interlaced Dependency of the Koru Cluster-of-Clusters Nation. As with several other found monuments, it appears this large plaque was buried with great skill and care for preservation. Knowing nothing about the tradition, the Tolku of the Greater Era still found this image so evocative they incorporated it into their Life Pillar iconography.

With the advent of the first Cluster-of-Clusters Nation among the Tolku and the birth of the Primary Epoch, Life Pillars came to have a close association with the Ninth Principal Face of the Living SystemKava-Kura, the Face of Vital Delight. Two icons were crafted early in the Primary Epoch to highlight this relationship.
The Majastas Eye
This is a small lamp lit whenever the Majastas is discussed. A line in the Classics reads, “To speak of the Mantle involves lighting the Lamp. This is the Beginning. The Majastas is present! Shehe swims in our scent. Herhis ears are filled with our humming. Herhis eyes see into our eyes.” This line is recited with the lighting of the lamp. There is evidence that this practice has its roots in prehistoric times and is also revered as a living link to the treasured past.
Singing Bowls
A tradition extends back to most-ancient times when bowls of various materials of specific sizes, thicknesses and shapes were filled to differing capacities with Sheshenara Nectar or an equivalent fortified sap. In the case of Sheshenara, this is residual set aside for the purpose. The thick nature of the liquid allows for a sound none others can match. These prepared bowls are rubbed, sounded and struck in various ways to produce unique and compelling music with a powerful resonance. The Tolku had groups performing on these instruments throughout their urban areas as a form of general cultural elegance to everyday activity. The Koru re-instituted the most-ancient Singing Bowl Guild and added the new ascetic of reverberating sounds within particular mountain caverns of various sizes and composed of different materials. This tradition was carried forward among the Danam Yelda and forms a familiar backdrop to general proceedings and ceremonial actions in Artisan Boroughs, Fertility Sanctuaries, Benevolence Bowers and Ablution Academies. With the advent of the Upata Bulbs forming living cluster enclosures, the Edifice Bureau of the Preeminent Works Ministry laboured to reproduce some of the Koru echo effects inside non-living structures to augment the results of the growth of Shaka Bishamon and Inari growing on the walls and ceilings to increase the living vitality of the otherwise ‘dead’ structure.

Yeldic Cluster Dances
During the Secondary Epoch, the Danam Yelda developed a previously unknown avenue for accessing Tatchlan's Living System. Prior to this innovation, the only way for those not Operants or Invocates to enter Tatchlan was via dreams and Dream Guides. The Danam Yelda came to grow a series of powerful dances that led to ecstatic states, allowing a circle, or even an entire cluster, to gain distinct access to one of the outer layers or even the Living Orb itself. Their perspective is from their cluster, and what they see is usually of particular interest to them, although there are cases where profound visions are accorded them. There are also significant or historical periods when several or more clusters share the same vision.
Yeldic Circle Dances
Particularly for the Danam Yelda, this is an essential social bonding event in the life of every cluster. Taking a variety of forms and functions, it usually involves most or all members of the cluster. It can accompany essential events, such as a Gifting between clusters, or be for the cluster alone at any time. 

The Elders instruct the other Spokes of the Wheel to facilitate the shifting of the composition of circles within the cluster. Such events are known to initiate both Scent Integration and Scent Separation. The most vital dances lead to Cluster Visions, images shared by many or most cluster members.

All correspondence from the central Ceremonies Ministry to all cluster Betweens are emblazoned with an Icon symbolizing the Circle Dance in the form of eight elongated spheres containing critical elements of each of the Spokes of the Cluster Wheel, appearing to dance in a circle. Betweens appear as a single pair of deep eyes on the right side, opposite the double pair of eyes, signifying the Double on the left.
Circle Dance icon
Spinning Wheel Dance (Danam Yelda)
This is one of several unique manifestations of Danam Yeldic power that is exceedingly rare among the Koru or Yakku. The ‘Spinning Wheel’ may be based on the original creation of the early Yeldic Amarel and Ochre Betweens and Completes. Still, Dreamers must lead any resulting Spinning Wheel Visions (see immediately below). The Dance commences with all of the cluster's Maja standing in the centre of their cluster, preferably in an open area of a local Ablution Academy. In contrast, the entire cluster arranges themselves in a long series of concentric ring circles around them. They begin to spin within themselves while moving around the centre slowly. The function of this dance is to align the entire community. The dance gradually builds momentum, and the group is released from their sense of self and merges. During this process, those needing to spin faster move to the outer edge, while slower ones gravitate to the centre.

During this time, the Maja directs ongoing modifications to the group's equilibrium. These take the form of subtly directing cluster mates to change their locations within the dance circles. As this develops, the ring formations begin to change and eventually merge. Finally, only one thick ring moves around the Elders and Maja, who remain at the centre. The forces of differing movement rates from the exterior to the interior now form a dynamic whole within this ring. The Betweens and Completes keep their role as secondary directors of the Dance and serve the Maja. 

Eventually, the other Spokes of the Cluster Wheel, the Touched, Doubles and Cluster Elders join the Maja at the centre and, through the Maja, add their abilities to cluster harmony. They form a series of columns radiating from the centre, causing the spinning and revolving circle to slow as it flows around them. The Dance may end differently, either with a climactic crescendo or a gradual slowing. The more intense Dances lead to Spinning Wheel Visions (see below). However, as the Dance progresses, the end is followed by profound silence. The entire cluster comprehends any new refinements and appreciates new depths of harmony and peace within their cluster. During the Dance, the Maja aim to re-arrange relationships, ease disputes, strengthen bonds and ultimately stimulate more Maja, along with additional Spokes of the Cluster Wheel, to be born.
Spinning Wheel Vision
Spinning Wheel Vision
The most remarkable result of the Spinning Wheel Dance is the occurrence of what is known as Spinning Wheel Visions. At this point, Dreamers take on a leadership role. They augment, direct, and even share their dreams with the entire cluster. They actively visualize and direct portions, or all of their cluster, in their temporary descent into Tatchlan

Such communal visions only occur during or immediately after a Spinning Wheel Dance. While this has happened among Koru clusters on infrequent occasions, it is universal among Danam Yeldic clusters. This is where many members of the cluster experience Visions or Waking Dreams simultaneously. An indication of Cluster Harmony is how many have these visions. 

Recounting these events is one of the great amazements of Yeldic Cluster life. Everyone gathers and declares what they saw. It often appears as if each is experiencing a thing or event from a different perspective or point of view. As more stories spread, it enriches each vision, and the general landscape often becomes more manifest.
If not, all take what they have heard away and ponder it. While the Dreamers and Maja are often aware of what the vision says, they usually stay away from these gatherings due to their exhaustion from the Dance and the Vision. They know the rest of the cluster working together on the vision is a growing and bonding experience. The more sharing the vision, the more likely its import becomes manifest. The Maja will assist if only a few have this experience and no satisfactory interpretation is found. These visions are nearly always some deep symbolic representation of some dynamic or unresolved issue within the cluster.

While these visions are usually shared embodiments of the state of their cluster community, they may delve far deeper and enter the Living System directly through the dance. This is one of the great mysteries of the Danam Yelda. These experiences are far different in quality and scope than what may be experienced by any conducted by the traditional Dream Guide. They may lead to the entire cluster walking, hand in hand, along a pathway on the Living Orb. This was beyond the Tolku of the Primary Epoch and exceptionally rare among the Koru.

Symbolic representations of the Spinning Wheel Vision vary widely, but most have a circle of eight dancing with their heads facing inward around a glowing symbol of the Resplendent Work. The figures wear various ecstatic masks and are dancing with great animation. These images are ubiquitous on the walls of Ablution Academies, where clusters often go to perform these rites.
Circle Dance Anthem
This refers to a large body of traditional songs that may accompany circle dances, ranging from simple to elaborate. These are often interchangeable with the cluster’s Journey Chants. Most begin and end with descriptive and straightforward declarations, i.e.,
Step! Step! Step! Step! 
Whirling around! Whirling Around!
We turn return. We turn return.

Liturgist Circles
These specialized circles perform extended songs, chants and litanies in distinctive harmonies and rich combinations of two or more melodic strands to produce an extraordinary polyphonic sound during cluster and public events and ceremonies. These auditory creations are, on occasion, able to alter the scent of large groups attending to them. These circles have varying grades of depth as trained and guided by the Enhancement and Edifice Bureaus of the Preeminent Works Ministry.
Circle-of-Circle/Cluster-of-Clusters Dance
This refers to more significant events involving more than one cluster, a massive cluster (sixteenth grade or larger), or a group of clusters from an Encirclement. These bear little resemblance to circle dances within a single cluster. Cluster-of-Cluster dances are meant to symbolize the vibrant harmony of the entire society. There is a large body of compositions for this type of dance, involving complex choreography of simultaneous or synchronistic movement performed by a thousand or more cluster mates in good formation. These events also employ music, lighting, wearing specific colours, and other visual tools. 

These dances often move through contrasting movements, from simple universal forms to frenetic standing, running, and acrobatics. This frequently culminates in groups creating the impression of substantial living forms, assuming shapes of enormous symbols, and elaborate balancing formations with two or more levels of bodies creating specific moving or stationary configurations. Such exceptional performances are usually reserved for ceremonial or other public occasions. Clusters with experience and training in this art form commonly perform such large-scale events. These events are deeply appreciated, and those circles and clusters engaging in this type of event enjoy a profound status.
Fertility Dance
This is the oldest and rarest version of the Cluster-of-Clusters Dance, usually only employed after hardship and loss or among new clusters composed of recently joined cluster fragments. The structure is far less complex and more primal, usually involving Elders feeding the ‘Sweet Healer,’ Vendupash, and a Vision Window opener. Depending on circumstances, this site may or may not occur in a local Fertility Sanctuary.
Ablution Academy
Communal Cultural Palace
Beginning in the Primary Epoch, the Majastas built and financed huge complexes for circles and clusters to attend for edification and gratification. The wealth, in the form of prized materials, plants, animals, and all the Cluster-of-Clusters National arts, is displayed in each form within these beautiful edifices. 

The finest materials service the lavish ornamentation and painted images in vivid hues filling the interiors. Singing Bowls are stroked and Liturgist clusters perform in each main gathering area according to the use of that portion of the structure.

Despite being contained within a Primary Epoch border, this modern Danam Yeldic Icon represents all Ablution Academies. It is one of few icons crafted by the Danam Yelda employing this most-ancient outer boundary design.
Ablution Academy icon
Within this lies the Venerable Koru’s Living Mountain border, filled with their characteristic mosaics, and Yelda Teardrop icon borders. Flanked by the Royal Blue Star emblem, at the heart of this configuration is the famed Tolku Civilization icon. Beneath stands the emblem of Vindaviran, the most-ancient Menem General of the Air known as The Teacher. It symbolizes precious, unbroken continuity with the Venerable Koru and Tolku Cluster-of-Clusters nations. This Icon is meant to represent the primary nature of this Mantle Establishment. For most clusters, even in provincial centres, as detailed below, Ablution Academies are the focal point of all aspects of life-giving civilization.
Rural Refuge
Ablution Academies are the refuge for Rural Clusters to ensure against naivety, backwardness and the deadening nature of an isolated, tedious, and grinding agrarian existence. From pre-Tatchlan times, honoured historians viewed rural existence as ‘unremarkable,’ in the sense that history largely passed it by, leaving near no trace of its way. Uluvatu Masters recognized this issue of vital urban centres as the fertile ground of their work, encompassing immense tracts of culturally moribund countryside. The solution was the widespread distribution of Ablution Academies throughout the hinterland to ensure the boons of civilization were present to all clusters of each generation regardless of their locations.
Gymnastics, gaming, dancing, theatre  
The uses range over all the arts. Some sections are devoted to gymnastics, cluster and circle gaming and massive cluster dancing. There are also swimming and steaming rooms. There are many cultural events, with travelling groups from all over the Cluster-of-Clusters Nation and visiting scholars and teachers whose lectures are open to all. These academies are usually attached to museums, often setting the tone for each complex's unique layout and iconography. Mobile theatres travel in elaborate circuits of Ablution Academies, bringing the latest cultural offerings and historic work. Here, Primary Epoch classics of The Lesser Era, such as the ‘Yeoyupan’ and the ‘Everlasting Ennui,’ are first seen by emerging pre-adult and Fresh Adult audiences.
Erudite Ceremonial Theatre icon

Erudite Ceremonial Theatres

These theatres are the specific concern of the Erudite Bureau of the Enumerator Ministry. They are found in certain Ablution Academies inside and outside the provincial centres. They may also be attached to Artisan Boroughs; some are located within Seats of Collective Districts. Wherever they may be found, they are a separate Mantle Establishment to all other theatrical enclosures.

The Erudite Bureau patronizes specific theatre troupes and commissions original work, supporting the performance of well- and lesser-known Classics from the Secondary and Primary Epochs. The Everlasting Ennui is one of the most ancient materials in their canon. Along with ‘Edification and Improvement of Depth,’ these often lavish productions serve several of the bureau’s ongoing aims in rooting all clusters in the rich intricacies of profound culture.

While this Primary Epoch Icon is most often associated with Erudite Ceremonial Theatres, it may also be employed in the designation of any theatrical institution that has exceeded its original mandate in the presentation of excellence. The musical instruments tell of the theatre’s central role in culture. The eyes are intended to denote its potency and might.

Below is the earliest known image of an Ablution Academy from the first decades of the Greater Era of the Primary Epoch. It represents a fragment of a more extensive work now lost and only survived due to chance in its burial. All authorities agree this is intended to depict the first generation of Ablution Academies, but much else about the image remains a mystery.

Ministry representatives' professional services legal rulings

These circles may also meet with a broad spectrum of specialists and professionals employed by all ministries to conduct their cluster uses and deal with use-related challenges or conflicts arising within and between clusters. The conclusion of most contracts and other inter-cluster business occurs within these Mantle Establishments

All Majastas Ministries have representatives in residence. This includes a Magistrate and their staff in an Ancillary Magistracy Office, representing that province’s Regional Magistracy, subject to the Adjudicator Bureau of the Chancellery Ministry and the Resolution Bureau of the Commandant Ministry. All local and legal disputes are heard within the Ablution Academy, where all rulings are dispensed. (Dealing with regional issues occurs at the Regional Magistracy in the provincial centre.)
Early Primary Epoch Ablution Academy icon
Benevolence Bowers

These Mantle Establishments are always found within the precincts of Ablution Academies. They bring together all healing arts to address various injuries and illnesses. They also are academies for those aspiring to join their ranks in attending to those in physical distress. Benevolence Bowers are also refuges for the disturbed and wayward. They offer shelter to those who, for various reasons, cannot remain with their clusters or require separation to be treated by Acoons or other specialized Living Instruments. Healing and Soothing specialists practice in these areas and have stations throughout the academy, overseen by the Pacifier and Nostrum Bureau of the Wellbeing Ministry.
Anchor for markets
Ablution Academies become the natural attractors of local markets, which usually grow around these primary Majastas Properties. Rural markets are active on certain days each two-week and during all Face Days. In most urban settings, these markets are limited to the northern and western boundaries of the academies, with the Market Judge Tower usually located on the north side. These markets fall under the scrutiny of the Granaries and Custom Houses and the Currency Supervisorate Bureaus of the Cycles Ministry.

Refinement Emporium
designated area is traditionally on the western edge of these markets and is dedicated to bringing finished and specialty goods from urban manufactories to the countryside. The Cycles Ministry always ensures a supply of standard tools and conveniences and a selection of unusual or seldom-seen novelties. Unlike the rest of the market, it is possible for clusters to view written and illustrated directories for a wide variety of ‘mercantile improvements’ and put in an appeal based on promissory notes for a timely delivery.

Seat of research
General and specialized Libraries and other research facilities are housed in these Mantle Establishments, sometimes enveloping large portions of the perimeter. A great many congregations of professionals gather around them to conduct their work. The focus of their labours varies widely given their area and the themes of the age. One example of specialized analysis carried out in many Ablution Academies is the ongoing research of Jemnum Apprehenders, and their attendant Honoured Historians in their exhaustive work on such perennial studies as Conceptual Filaments. The Erudite Bureau of the Enumerator Ministry fully resources and oversees these noble endeavours.
Artisans Boroughs
Primarily found in urban settings, these are sufficiently large premises dedicated to one or more specialized crafts to warrant their designation as ‘boroughs.’ They are extensive enough to be often housed within the eastern or southern precinct of the Ablution Academy instead of inside the structure itself. These Artisans Boroughs provide specialized materials and tools for a wide variety of creative production and mentoring for those circles aspiring to gain proficiency or even mastery in one or more of the offered disciplines. These Mantle Establishments maintain close ties with all other Artisans Boroughs within the provincial centre and may gain preeminence beyond their province. Most of such exemplary Artisans Boroughs within the Danam Yelda's Cluster-of-Cluster’s Nation are found in the port cities of Bhampay and Shuna-Shapta (a provincial centre named after the Honoured Operant of the first Tolku Majastas in her infancy), with single-specialty boroughs found elsewhere throughout urban settings on Statos-Vey.
Urban/Rural Academies and responsible Ministries
While provincial centres may have many Ablution Academies of various sizes set up throughout their extent, it is recognized that rural settings have a particular need for their improving and refining agency. This has always been well recognized by Rural Clusters themselves, leading to various initiatives, including petitions to have an Academy built in obscure locales. The Enumerator Ministry's Erudite Bureau and the Wellbeing Ministry's Completion Bureau share responsibility for maintaining all these academies. From their complimenting perspectives, they see the ongoing health of these Majastas Foundations and work to ensure their vitality.
Ketukku Enclaves in remote settings
In settings distant from provincial centres, the Ablution Academy may also house some or all of the Ketukku Enclave structures for each of the Eight Ministries. In these situations, a selection of the same distinctive forms, built as giant versions of each class of the Ketukku insect colony, is constructed and placed just outside the Academy complex. Drone and Farmer are most common, with only one in ten isolated sites hosting a Queen or Soldier Enclave. The presence of such powerful enclaves has been known to change the character of the entire region. When Enclaves are present, ministries, such as the Chancellery or the Grandee Secretariat, are only contacted by non-specialized clusters within the Ablution Academy instead of the Enclave.
A Portion of Cluster Takes Ablutions each day
On average, a selection of cluster circles is scheduled to ‘take ablutions’ for a portion of a day or evening's events each day. While this may involve many activities, all circles must bathe at the commencement and conclusion of any other action per their observance of the Wellbeing Ministry's dictates. The cluster's Elders work out an ‘engagement diary’ based on the lattice of uses and other internal activities. Cluster customs and events described in this section may be performed within the cluster or at one of these academies. Many clusters reserve some or all of their significant events, such as Giftings, for when a portion or all of the cluster may travel to an Ablution Academy, where far larger audiences witness them and hence increase the benefits many times over.
Cluster Life Ceremonies
Truth taking
While this convention is known to have occurred among the Tolku, the Koru and then Yelda formalized it further. In a formal setting, this involves those meeting bending forward so their noses near brush either side of the other’s nose as they sniff each other’s cheek. They quickly go back and forth between each other’s noses to ‘take their aroma’ four times. If a cluster mate has been absent for a time, each member of their circle will do this eight times. There are other times, such as after some dramatic event or other unusual circumstance, where it is a common sign of concern and consolation to do this.
Stekachey Nut
Life Cake
Also known as the Swallowing Life Ceremony, this coming-of-age ritual brings pre-adults one step closer to the glories of Ripe Adulthood. This event, a vital portion of the Conclusion and Commencement Rites, usually occurs in their early to mid-teens. After this, they become Fresh Adults with new roles and responsibilities. Ripe Adult status follows anywhere from five to ten years later. This custom dates back to the earliest Tolku times. During most of the Greater Era, the ceremony occurred between the ages of ten and fifteen, signifying entry into Fresh Ripe Adulthood. The marking of Ripe Adulthood involved a simple declaration and the joining of a new Circle of Eight as a participating adult. Early in the Secondary Epoch of the Koru, Yelda saw a reversal of this process. A declaration marked Fresh Ripe Adulthood and their entry into their first circle. The Life Cake became the defining ceremony of Ripe Adulthood. Beyond this change in focus, the core agents and traditions remain.
The cake is an intensely creamy confection with a complex combination of vision-inducing agents. Inside the cake lies the actual Stekachey Nut, one of Anu’s largest. It is oval with a small bulb at one end and has a pronounced point at the other. It is dull green with lighter flecks in colour across its smooth and slightly oily skin. This nut is a compelling Vision Window. Such events are traditionally done in groups, with the entire cluster witnessing this ceremony. The whole cake is put in the mouth and allowed to dissolve naturally.

The pleasant taste and beautiful fragrances released are finally overwhelmed by the intense bitterness of the nut's skin. At that instant, the receiver of the cake bites down hard on the nut, releasing the most potent delights. The cluster-mate is now designated a Ripe Adult. The Swallowing Life Ceremony often occurs during Giftings between clusters, and the new Ripe Adults and entire Ripe Adult Cohorts are then exchanged between the participating clusters.

This is one of the earliest Icons from the Primary Epoch of the Tolku. There is no cake covering the nut. While the nut appears as it does in life, it is surrounded by a swirling rich tapestry meant to signify the euphoria of biting into it.
Ring of Men
A festive tradition is observed in a variety of ways in different regions. The simple act is of a group of men and Completes, usually from two or more groups of eight, either within a single cluster or from more than one cluster, forming a ring facing in one direction while simultaneously mounting and being mounted by each other.

This is always an event witnessed by a group, and many amusing traditions exist to cheer the group on, encouraging them to continue for as long as possible and to move and climax close together. Women usually form a secondary ring facing inward with the rest of the participants behind them. They shower the group with flowers, spray them with perfumes and otherwise add to the festivities. They also set the tone and rhythm using shouts, whistles and occasionally small drums.

In warmer climates, this is performed in public during large festivals. In the colder climates, it is commonly confined to indoors during winter.
Ring of Men icon
In both cases, a single large Cluster Pillar, Community Pillar or an arrangement of smaller Life Pillars are encircled by the ring or nearby during the event.

This placement near one or more Life Pillars has to do with the deeper meaning of the rite. It can signify reciprocity between cluster mates, a linkage between neighbouring or otherwise allied clusters, or any other celebratory occasion. Whatever the event designation, combining eight, sixteen and sometimes twenty-four cluster mates (dependant on the girth of their Pillar) in a mutually interlocking configuration is always valued as a powerful emblem of interconnection and linkage between many, forming a functioning unity.

This ceremony is often depicted symbolically with the Pillar coming alive and the men forming various winged or floating elements moving in spirals around it. As with many Icons, this is based on an early Primary Epoch depiction. This image is usually in a lush and elegant outdoor setting with many natural and artistic forms shooting up around the central image. The Pillar's spark of intensity is depicted as an opening flower. This is a most-ancient image, and the significance of the Life Pillar being alive and the men being abstract elements is appreciated but perhaps only partially understood. These icons are prevalent as good fortune emblems found throughout the public sphere. They are also a common public art theme.
Circle Cloak
This is a large swath of material tailored for a circle of eight. Beyond being large enough for eight Ripe Adults and several pre-adults, it has eight sets of arms for each Ripe Adult to employ as needed. Depending on the region, this cloak may be lined with various materials as proof against moisture and to provide additional warmth. This cloak is traditionally decorated with all the parent cluster insignia and any additional identification according to their Cluster Grade. During inclement weather, this may be worn during the circle walks, leading to a restricted version of the Circle of Eight Walk.
Comfort Knot
This is an arrangement of cluster mates bringing all close. These can take many forms, and various traditions exist depending on the circumstances. This is primarily used for general nurturance but also when one or more of a circle of eight, or other cluster mates, are in particular distress.
Cluster Death Ceremonies
Koru Final Touch icon

Final Touch

This is a set of rituals performed when a cluster mate dies, moving from ‘the distinct to universal,’ meaning all that was unique is gone, and all left is common. This is the crowning portion of the Conclusion and Commencement Rites for each Ripe AdultThese commemorations vary widely according to the region and have changed over time. Traditionally, the body is washed, and all cluster members approach to kiss and stroke the body in farewell. A dance may be performed in front of or around the dead, during which the body may be raised, carried, or held. 

The consumption of quantities of fermented sap and Vision Windows may continue. Depending on their health before death, an incision may be made, and certain portions of muscle and organs removed. They are cooked as part of the Repast of Remembrance during these events.

This Icon is of the Venerable Koru tradition, distinguished by its triangular ‘mountain’ border and mosaic fill. It depicts a pair of hands holding a skull, which is generalized after the time-honoured aphorism, which partly says that death ‘reduces the distinctive to the universal.’ While the Koru has extensive rites surrounding death, including preserving the skeleton and ‘passing’ the skull hand to hand on anniversaries, except for those Yeldic clusters living in proximity of the Koru Living Mountains on Rho-Jashun, these are seldom observed by the Danam Yelda, most of whom plant their dead as described below.
Death of Double
The Repast has added significance if a Double has died, as the meal would enhance and fortify the entire cluster. This meal could enrich and enliven a whole generation if this was the Vat of an Elder of Many Conceptions. This was the custom among the Tolku during the Primary Epoch. In the Secondary Epoch, their Healing Vat receives most or all of their devoted Double. This awakens the creature to her full use. The older her Double was, the more potent the Ripened Healing Vat.
Corpse Oil
The gathering of body oils after death dates from very early in Koru history, when most are still sheltered from the Suvuka within the Mulungu Mountains. Various body portions were heated with a flame, principally under the chin and at the elbows and knees. The enriched fat would drip into an Offering Lamp, set aside for this purpose. These oils would be mixed with others to light the lights around the Repast of Remembrance.
Bowvow Tree and Hungry Rock offerings
If a Bowvow Tree or Hungry Rock pool stands nearby, it is common for the cluster to offer what remains of the body to them with a grand ceremony. These are both seen as direct portals to Anu, and to provide bodies to them enriches all the land around them. See Cluster Chants above for what may occur at such ceremonies.
Circle of Eight Walks
There are a series of ways Circles move both within and without their clusters.
Within the cluster:
Spinning Wheel Walk
This is an instance where an early practice among clusters of the Greater Era of the Primary Epoch was renewed early in the Secondary Epoch. As with the Spinning Wheel Dance, this practice became associated with the Danam Yelda for special occasions, essential processions and other significant public events. This formation is a common site in open areas of Mantle Establishments. All cluster mates hold hands, an item of clothing, or connect in some other way depending on tradition and circumstance. With each step, the cluster-mate turns part to the right (or left) and begins its spinning wheel as they all move forward. As each comes to the back, they clap once as they turn and switch hands, now stepping in the opposite direction so all continue to face the same direction. This is learned from early pre-adulthood and performed easily and quickly in Ripe Adulthood—the Touched and those unable to move at the same rate as others are included in this walk. During bad weather, a version of this walk takes place while the circle wears its Circle Cloak, involving the group forming a tight formation and moving ahead in unison by walking in a continuous spin.
Outside the cluster:
Wedge Walk
This is a practical formation for moving within large groups. In more formal settings, the youngest usually moves to the front and sides with any Spokes of the Cluster Wheel at the back. Other than this, the order of the formation is open to the situation.

Linked Line
The simplest of all circles of eight walks, the circle forms a line of joined hands. The order of this formation is open to circumstances.
Group of clusters
An Encirclement is a grouping of clusters, usually within a provincial centre or another densely populated setting. These occur naturally and develop incrementally over generations. Factors leading to clusters coming into close contact with each other go beyond the pure desire to enrich proximity. Encirclements are an extended version of a large cluster and a miniature version of an entire provincial centre. The Encirclement's collective resources, strengths and abilities lead to a deepening of Use Networks within and without this grouping. Encirclements may, over time, extend their influence, leading to complimentary Encirclements forming around them.
Seats of Collective Districts
When one large Encirclement, or several smaller neighbouring Encirclements, come together to form an abiding association, they are officially recognized as ‘Seats of Collective Districts’ by the Regions Bureau of the Grandee Secretariat Ministry. They usually establish a central administrative seat within an Ablution Academy or other local Mantle Establishment. They may also raise a structure within their Encirclement devoted to this purpose. Along with servicing the internal needs of the represented clusters, these organizations serve as a point of contact with various ministries.
Tertiary Unit
The Encirclement is officially titled the third or Tertiary Unit within the ordering of the Cluster-of-Clusters Nation. It surrounds and defines a group of associated clusters within large population centres. This Tertiary Unit may contain anywhere from eight clusters to over one hundred. Each of these clusters is designated as Secondary Units. Within them are contained varying numbers of Primary Units, being circles of eight.
Encirclements or Tertiary Units
The map above represents a small section of the city and Provincial Centre of Bhampay. It illustrates several other aspects of both Encirclements and clusters. In this case, each Encirclement is separated from the others by a network of major and minor canals attached to the Siana River encompassing the city, making it easy to distinguish each collection of clusters. In many other instances, Encirclements are not bound by water and are separated by a commonly agreed distance amenable to the surrounding groupings. On average, the urban clusters' population rarely rises above the Fourth Grade, being thirty-two circles of eight, totalling over two hundred and fifty adult cluster mates. Most clusters pictured here are of the Second (sixteen Circles of Eight, roughly one hundred and twenty adult cluster mates) and Third (twenty-four Circles of Eight, approximately one hundred and ninety Ripe Adult cluster mates) Grades. A few pictured here are of the First Grade (eight Circles of Eight, roughly sixty Ripe Adult cluster mates).
The cluster structures shown on the map are called Upata Bulbs, a living shelter formed during the Emaxul Age of the Danam Yelda. These Bulbs have far more flexibility to be shaped by their cluster, leading to these organic arrangements. They also allow for two or more bulbs to link and merge or separate according to the desires of the enclosed clusters. This leads to a continually shifting landscape, making urban cartography problematic. In former times, inorganic cluster structures were constantly modified to suit changing circumstances within the Encirclement and without amongst its neighbours. Former orderly roadways have long been buried beneath the roots of these migrating bulbs, respecting only the ample paved avenues, ancient public monuments, and waterways. The colours of the Bulbs, which, upon closer inspection than is possible here, are coated in elaborate patterns, are designations of their ‘Cluster Tone.’ This is composed of the internal ‘Scent Wall,’ combined with the auditory Harmonics of the cluster. According to the ‘Rule of Accordant Tones,’ there are sixty-four classifications of Tone, each with a designated colour and shade. Each cluster’s Tone renders it ‘Companionable,’ ‘Complimentary,’ and ‘Incompatible’ to its neighbours within its Encirclement. As seen on this map, the fact clusters may have very different tones does not prohibit close or intimate proximity.
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